A busy job, private life and a part-time study in Technical Business Administration
‘I am blessed with a loving wife and children. I realise that my studies have also required a lot from them’ Chris, manager cluster ZGO De Hoop Bouwgrondstoffen
Chris works as manager of Cluster ZGO (Sand, Gravel, Operations) at De Hoop Bouwgrondstoffen and he is part of the Management Team. But that hasn't always been the case. Chris used to hate studying. He couldn't bring himself to sit in a classroom all day. That caused him to be expelled from his Retail course at the age of 17.
After years of hard practical work, he decided to pursue a different path at the age of 43. He chose to study Technical Business Administration part-time at HZ. Last July, he received his bachelor's degree. For HZ Life, he reflects on a challenging period, which he would not have missed for anything: ‘It felt like a piece of recognition to myself.’
Why did you choose to go back to school 7 years ago?
‘All my life I have loved being busy. I had 2 newspaper quarters, I liked to tinker with mopeds and cars, and I enjoyed tending gardens. I preferred to be outside all day. What I couldn't bring myself to do was school. I hated it.
After I was expelled from school at 17, I worked as a landscaper and paver for three months. My back started hurting and I soon found out that I couldn't and didn't want to do this for my whole career. During that time, I met my wife and got future prospects. That was the turning point for me. I thought, ‘This can be done differently.’
I then went to Secondary Economic and Administrative Education. That did not go without a hitch. The dean did not want to accept me because of my school history. I had to promise him that I would not get a single failing grade before Christmas, and I succeeded.
At 27, I joined De Hoop in logistics. Together with my wife, I had four children, so there was no time for studies at that time. I valued more time with my family more than studying.
At the age of 43, I decided to do what I had always wanted to do: get a bachelor's degree. The opportunity presented itself to study Technical Business Administration part-time at HZ University of Applied Sciences. I seized that opportunity with both hands.’
How did you experience the combination of work, study and private life?
‘That was quite a challenge. You can't escape being busy with your studies in the evenings and weekends. I have been blessed with a loving wife and children. They have always supported me. But I realise that my studies have also required a lot from them. I still think back on that with a sense of guilt.
It was important to me that my work was not delayed by my studies. I wanted to grab opportunities as soon as they passed. During my studies, I was promoted twice. I was suddenly allowed to join the Management Team and I was given important projects. That resulted in me sometimes not doing anything about my studies for 1 or 2 months. That is the reason why I ended up taking 7 years. Thanks to the flexible study programme at HZ, I had the opportunity to shift.’
'I wanted to grab opportunities as soon as they passed'
How do you manage to keep all the balls in the air?
‘In 2006, I fell into burnout. During my recovery, I had cognitive behavioural therapy. That has been very valuable. Now I am able to recognise signals when things are getting too much. Then I know when to slow down. I took that with me and applied it a few times during my studies.
In the last year of my studies, this was put to the test. I still had six learning outcomes (subjects) to go and I had to look for a colleague for my previous job. In the same year, my mother had an unfortunate fall. As the only son living in the Netherlands, I had to make a lot of arrangements with my wife. That was a stressful year, but we got through it together. My mother now lives in a flat at a care home and I got my degree. Sometimes you have to go through something.’
What message would you like to give HZ students?
‘Full-time students I like to give the same advice I give my children: realise what a luxury position you are in. I'm assuming for a moment that you don't yet have a job and family and that you might still be living at home. I understand that you have other things on your mind when you are young, but it is really easier to finish your studies now. The side issues outside your studies weigh more heavily when you have a job and a family.
I want to give part-time students a piece of advice: Persevere and don't give up! Take your time where necessary. It is better to take a little longer than to get overstrained. It will give you so much. I was able to put my studies into practice right away. That gave me a lot of knowledge and insight. It also felt like recognition for myself. I grant that feeling to every part-time student.